journal entry 10.24.2024
yesterday I went on a walk with my friend maya, she’s a photographer
I bring this up because I always seem to enjoy walks with artists, and photographers are a good bet for noticings
this entry is going to be a bit of a hodge-podge of interesting things from the past two days (was a good two days)
sorta written in vague conversation some should have quotes others are my own internal monolouge
also should be noted, my film camera is still broken... so more iphone photos... also the photos were taken fast
(this page is more about curiosities than photography... despite me highlighting that we’re photographers)
some of what maya and I saw;
you think this is official or someone put it there?
I don’t know but I’ve seen them around
its kinda weird to have an important message so low to the ground, how many people are seeing it?
it kind of implies someone is squatting down about to pour something that isn’t rain water down the drain
this dead end was fasinating as it doesn’t end in any kid of curve or turn around but instead a large mass of dirt and plants with wooden curbs that act as retaining walls,
if you look closely you can see a small culvert (white pipe at the end of the horizontal beam) which leads to a storm drain (you can’t see it but its at the back in the ground below the dark wall)
I’m always fascinated by sidewalks that abruptly end,
I’ve seen quite a bit by mt.tabor
this one is different, it goes to nowhere
does a sidewalk need to go somewhere?
I wonder if people sit and hang out here...
bricks covered in dirt?
tilled earth for a little farm?
also cool how the sun comes through and has changed the color of the wood
and how it led to that moss licen growth
is that a manhole? (photo of lid not taken but it looks like a really old piece of metal... didn’t scream manhole)
*maya grabs it and lifts it up
look at all those bricks
is it a well?
add this to the list of mysteries... I’m invested
... not the only mystery of these two days
and for today (all that^ was yesterday)
there’s really only one thing...
(well also saw a steaming pile of mulch but I don’t want to upload a video, and me and my friends found fortune cookie fortunes on the street)
okay so beautiful set of rocks leaning against a building
I almost called it a stack... still might
is it still a rock stack if it’s on its side?
are stacks purely vertical?
it reminds me lps at a record store
I decided to go to music millenium and ask the experts if they had any terms or guesses
they were stumped, but very adament that stacks and piles are veritcal and grow upwards
at the store they use the word “bin”
flipping through the bin, restocking the bins
only talking about the receptacle, the records are just placed that way cause that’s how it is...
one cashier suggested “row” which we all thought was definetly close but still didn’t feel like it...
row in my mind implies multitude
regardless we’re moving in the right direction [horizontal]
my mom brought up stack again, talking about how books are in stacks, a library term... but I feel like they’re refering to the shelves... I’m thinking about rows again... but rows don’t come at you they go past you
I’m just really hungry for one good word, maya and I learned the term finial (decrotive nob) so now I expect a satisfying answer
...though I’ve been enjoying the journey and coming up with verbs like “incline sorting” and “lean placement”
let me know your opinion on what to call this
update! my friend silivia answered it,
it’s a”file” as how you file folders or form a single file line